Songwe area - PrimarySchool Visit

Early start, fantastic day visiting lots of local projects. This is what we came for!
To set the scene, school truancy is high in Tanzania. Root causes are lack of money for transport and school uniform, hunger, & high levels of Physically Humiliating Punishment (PHP). Songwe is one of the coffee growing areas. The school we visited has 741 students, and just 13 teachers - work out the scary average class sizes for yourselves. No running water. No computers. Just one solar panel provided by Save. Projects run by Save with money from Tchebo - German coffee manufactures - as part of their CSR programme include:

  • Speak Out (Tuseme) Clubs for volunteer students to discuss and present non-academic issues. E.g. As a result of the children speaking out about hunger, there is now a feeding programme in which involved parents provide food like maize and beans.
  • High-Performing Teacher Scheme - literacy boost, teaching aids, sharing better ways to engage students
Project benefits: PHP down, truancy down, concentration levels up, participation up, teacher satisfaction up. These people were just inspiring. So much more I could add, but this is just a taster!


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