Last Day

Sadly our brief trip was coming to an end. Friday morning saw us visiting the Country Office in Dar, meeting the staff and having time for questions with Peter Walsh, the Country Director. I think it is fair to say that we all came away from our experiences with a feel for the dedication of the staff. We know that culture change can't happen overnight, but projects seem designed to promote long term improvement and money is not just being thrown at unresolvable problems.

Importantly, children are encouraged directly to speak out for themselves so that programmes can be designed around their needs. A huge amount of sensitive liaison goes on with Government departments too, to ensure projects are aligned with the country's strategic direction. Save the Children appears to be well thought of and has a regular seat at the table. As a regular supporter and legacy donor, this is all welcome news. I will leave it here for now, but am happy to share more information and talk to groups etc., on request.


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